30 April 2015
Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper 6, the industry-leading API exposure platform, is Generally Available and with many new and interesting features. One of them is the simplified configuration and deployment with installation in 15 minutes, based on lightweight single tier deployment option. I really like the idea, it's going to help with Proofs of Concept and Training. So in this article, I am going to review this feature: a fight against the clock to know how many time an OCSG student needs to deploy OCSG.

Disclaimer: some steps shouldn't be executed in production environments.
Preparations Overview
As good practice, the first step is always check the Supported Platform Matrix. For this installation, we have the following pre-requisites:
- Oracle Linux 6: in this case, it is version 6.6 x64, you can download it from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. It may run hosted in an Oracle Virtualbox environment.
- JDK 1.7 installed: in this case, Java SE Development Kit 7u75 for Linux x64 (tgz). You can download it from Oracle Java SE Development Kit 7 Downloads.
- Access as root user and also as oracle user.
OCSG installation
Login to Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, choose Oracle Communications in Select a Product Pack and Linux x86-64 and click on Go.
Click on Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper 6.0. Download Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper 6.0 Software, V73995-01.zip and copy it into the VM.
Open a Terminal and execute:
sudo mkdir /opt/ocsg6
sudo chown oracle:oracle /opt/ocsg6
- Unzip the file and execute the installer:
unzip V73995-01.zip
java -jar ocsg_generic.jar
- In the first window, accept the default Inventory Directory pressing OK.

- The Welcome screen appears, press Next.

- Introduce /opt/ocsg6 in the Oracle Home field and press Next.

- Select Custom Installation and press Next. Check all the features and press Next.

The Prerequisite Check should be OK. Press Next.
Note the IP in the first field. Introduce the password for the domain user and for the Partner and API Management Portal user. It's welcome1 in my case but you can use something different. Let the default value in others fields and press Next.

Introduce the IP in /etc/hosts with ocsg as reference. If you ping ocsg, you should receive a response from the IP you've noted in the previous step.
Let Java DB selected and press Next.

- Review the Installation Summary and press Install. It may take a while.

- Press Next when available and Finish.
Start OCSG
- Open a Terminal and execute:
cd /opt/ocsg6/user_projects/domains/services-gatekeeper-domain
When it asks for username and password, introduce weblogic and welcome1. After a while, a The server started in RUNNING mode. message should appear.
- Open a Terminal (or a tab in the previous one) and execute:
cd /opt/ocsg6/user_projects/domains/services-gatekeeper-domain/bin
When it asks for username and password, introduce weblogic and welcome1. After a while, The server started in RUNNING mode. message should appear.
Account configuration
- Open Firefox and go to http://ocsg:7001/console , login as weblogic with password welcome1. In the Domain Structure (left), go to OCSG -> Server 1. In the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper box, click on Container Services and PluginManager.

- Click on Operations tab and choose createPluginInstance in the Select An Operation: combo. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- PluginServiceId: Plugin_px21_short_messaging_smpp
- PluginInstanceId: Plugin_px21_short_messaging_smpp_instance

- Choose Add Route in the Select An Operation: combo. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- PluginInstanceId: Plugin_px21_short_messaging_smpp_instance
- AddressExpression: .*

- Go to Container Services -> Application Groups -> addServiceProviderGroup. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- ServiceProviderGroupIdentifier: default_sp_group
- Properties: .*

- Go to Container Services -> ApplicationGroups -> addApplicationGroup. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- ApplicationGroupIdentifier: default_app_group

- Go to Container Services -> ApplicationAccounts -> addServiceProviderAccount. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- ServiceProviderIdentifier:: default_sp
- ServiceProviderGroupIdentifier: default_sp_group
- Reference: default

- Go to Container Services -> ApplicationAccounts -> addApplicationAccount. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- ApplicationIdentifier:: default_app
- ServiceProviderIdentifier:: default_sp
- ApplicationGroupIdentifier: default_sp_group
- Reference: default

- Go to Container Services -> ApplicationInstances -> addApplicationInstance. Fill the fields with the following values and click on Invoke. An Operation invoked successfully message should be returned.
- ApplicationInstanceName: domain_user
- Password: domain_user
- ApplicationIdentifier:: default_app
- ServiceProviderIdentifier:: default_sp
- Reference: default

This post continues in the second part post