30 August 2015

This is the continuation of how to install and test OCSG, you can find the part 1 here.

Platform Test Environment (PTE) Installation

  1. Login to Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, choose Oracle Communications in Select a Product Pack and Linux x86-64 and click on Go. Click on Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper 6.0.

  2. Download Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper 6.0 Platform Test Environment, V73999-01.zip and copy it into the VM.

  3. Unzip the file and execute the installer:

unzip V73999-01.zip
java -jar ocsg_pte_generic.jar
  1. In the first window, accept the default Inventory Directory pressing OK.

  2. The Welcome screen appears, press Next.

  3. Introduce /opt/ocsg6 in the Oracle Home field and press Next.

  4. Let PTE Installation selected and press Next.

PTE Installation

8. Review the Installation Summary and press Install. It may take a while. Press Next when available and Finish.

PTE Installation Done

Start the PTE

  1. Open a new Terminal and execute the following commands.
cd /opt/ocsg6/ocsg_pte/
  1. The PTE should appear:


  1. Go to Tools -> Variables Manager or press Ctrl+3.

Variables Manager Menu

  1. Change the following fields and press OK:

Variables Manager Screen

  1. Click on Server and change the following fields:

Server Credentials

  1. Go to Tools -> SLA Manager or press Ctrl+1.

SLA Manager Menu

  1. Select default_app_group and click on the pencil icon.

Default App Group SLA

  1. Click on the globe icon with a green arrow pointing up and press Local. The message The SLA was succesfully uploaded to OCSG should appear. Press OK twice.

Default App Group SLA Done

  1. Select default_sp_group and click on the pencil icon. Click on the globe icon with a up arrow and press Local. The message The SLA was succesfully uploaded to OCSG should appear. Press OK twice.

  2. Go to Simulators -> SMPP and click on Start. The button will change to Stop.

SMPP Simulator

Final test: send SMS

  1. In the PTE, go to Clients -> Login and press Login (green arrow). The button should change to Logout (red square).

Client Login

  1. Go to Messaging -> Short Messaging -> Application-initiated and change the message to Hello SaNE!. Click on Send (green arrow).

Send SMS

  1. Go to the Map, click on the second button over the phone 1234 and choose Read messages. Here it is!!

SMS Sent


Probably you have spent more than fifteen minutes to arrive here... but it's also true most of the actions are part of the configuration, not the installation. The process is straightforward and it can be easily explained. Even if you don't have advanced knowledge of Weblogic or Linux, it's possible to do it. So, as we can see in this article, OCSG is very easy to install now and it has a lot of features deployed out-of-the-box. Because it's a so extensive application supporting a huge number of business possibilities (Service API Exposure, Direct Carrier Billing, Policy Gateway, etc. ), a basic fresh installation is a very powerful way to focus in the functionality and forget problems with databases, OS and other technical questions and now we can have it in only 15 minutes!